
I’m Debbie and the founder of Diets Don’t Work. I started Diets Don’t Work for myself as an outlet for recovery. Being an eating disorder survivor I knew that this was my calling with Diets Don’t Work. Every year around New Year’s everyone is always wanting to change their body into society’s standards of what they think they should look like. I had a hard time listening to all the diet ads where you can lose xx pounds in a month if you just follow their plan or buy their shakes or what the diet industry was  trying to sell you. I wanted to change all that and knew I was not alone and that others were having a hard time hearing all this as well so, I created a safe place for ALL. We know that through research “Diets Don’t Work” and media fuels this image in our society today. I started  my mission of “Diets Don’t Work“ on my own personal Facebook page and decided later towards the end of April to create a specific Facebook page called “Diets Don’t Work as well as a Facebook group.