• Eating Disorders

    Cleo and Recovery

    Cleo had lost her way at a very young age. Luckily, she was taken in by a foster. As her medical intake was processed, the foster deemed her “overweight.” Cleo moved to a new home with a new family, but she had problems with eating. She basically stopped eating and by the time someone noticed, she was severely dehydrated and had lost 30% of her body weight. She hid it well. Cleo’s guardians started giving her fluids and force-feeding her. She’d take the food unwillingly. Occasionally,she would eat a snack when it was given to her. Cleo’s health continued to decline. By the time I got her, she was not…

  • Diets Don't Work,  Eating Disorders,  Mental health


      Recently, I lost a friend to the horrible disease of anorexia. I know she wanted to live. I also know she wanted the pain to end. She wasn’t purposefully not eating to try to end her life. Anorexia is a disease that confuses the brain and takes it over to the point where you cannot make rational decisions about your health. It is a mental disorder, and with it comes the fear of food and fear of fat. Medical definition of anorexia and atypical anorexia[i] Anorexia Nervosa: 307.1 (F50.01 or F50.02) Restriction of energy intake relative to requirements leading to a significantly low body weight in the context of…

  • Eating Disorders,  Mental health


    I have always been obsessed with numbers. I have a knack for them, computing things in my head since I was a little girl. Maybe one good thing that I inherited from my dad was his aptitude for numbers. He taught me how to do instant calculations using certain tricks. Obviously, it came in handy for my chosen profession as an accountant. My skills as an accountant are top of the line.   However, when it comes to life, numbers play too much of an important role. Or at least they have in the past, and still do today to a certain extent. In high school and college, it was…

  • Diets Don't Work,  Fatphobia

    Pandemic Crisis

    I fight my internalized fatphobia every moment of every day. I want to go back to that thin body but I know that is impossible. Don’t you know diets fail? Don’t you know that you’ll just put more weight on? Don’t you know that, yes, you may be able to diet one more time, but do you have one more recovery left in you?  I repeat these things in my head. Then along comes this thing called a pandemic, and with it all these jokes about “the COVID 15,”and how you can’t stop eating while you’re home, and how you’re going to weigh so much they’ll have to find a forklift to carry…

  • Diets Don't Work

    Diets Dont Work

    How many diets have you been on? How many of them have you blamed yourself for not following through with them? How many of them are called lifestyle changes? There are thousands of different diets out there and everyone claims to have the answer to the quick fix of loss of weight. Well, I’m here to tell you that diets do not work.   In studies of diets, it has been proven that diets only work 2-5% of the time. If a surgeon told you an operation only had a 2-5% chance of you surviving would you take that chance.? What if the surgeon said that 95-98% of the time…